Spiritual concepts
The picture is, of course, by Michelangelo, notice how he has made Adam left handed - see Being left handed. For a definition of this term, however, see Created.
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- Agassiz, Louis – Essay on Classification – Creation and destruction are different from maintenance
- Agassiz, Louis – Essay on Classification – Science is the translation of the thoughts of God, and is conclusive proof of our affinity with the Divine Mind
- Ahmad Ahsai, Shaykh - Kitab Sharh al-Ziyara - Nothing is which does not have its Treasury with Us
- Al-Ghazzali - The Alchemy of Happiness - 07 On the body as an example of the genius of the Creator
- Ancient Egyptian - Isis as the Mother symbol
- Ancient Egyptian - The Creation Myth of Heliopolis
- Ancient Egyptian - The symbolism of the Sun and Moon
- Bach, Dr Edward - The Unity of the World
- Bambara - the 'Sirius system'
- Bhagavad Gita - The Sun and Moon
- Boehme, Jacob - Aurora - The Word
- Boethius - Misc quote - Since the Creator hath always an eternal and present state
- Brihad-Aranyaka Upanishad – The Creation myth – 02 Verses 1.4.4 to 1.4.6
- Chelan - Native American Indians - Creation myth
- Clark, Fay Marvin – Into the Light – The early Mayan concepts of creation, the creator, and the origin and destiny of the Nagual
- Crowley, Aleister - Book of Lies - The Ante Primal Triad
- Dalton, John – Philosophical Experiments – The advantages of experiment and observation over book learning
- Dante - Paradiso - The Sun
- Dogon - The Order of creation
- Dorn, Gerhard - from Mysterium Coniunctionis
- Eriugena, Johannes Scotus - Peryphyseon – The Creator and Created
- Father Bernabe Cobo - Inca Religion and Customs - Creation
- Godwin, Joscelyn - God the Alchemist
- Guru Granth - Bilaval 01
- Guru Granth - Bilaval 02
- Guru Granth - There is a light in all
- Hermes Trismegistus – Treatise XVI
- Hermes Trismegistus – Treatise XVI
- Hogons of Dyon - The Shoemaker
- Iamblichus
- Ibn El-Arabi - Contemplation of the Holy Mysteries - Ascent
- Intelligences - ELEMENTS AIR Sud
- Intelligences - PLANETS VENUS Ashtar and Ishtar
- Intelligences - TRINITY CREATOR AND CREATED Enlil and Ninlil
- Jeans, Sir James - The Mysterious Universe - The Creator
- Jesus - John 5 & 6 - On God
- Jili, Abd al-Karim - Al-Kahf wa al-raqim - 013 Introduction [Extract]
- Jili, Abd al-Karim - Al-Kahf wa al-raqim - 030 Section 2
- Jili, Abd al-Karim - Al-Kahf wa al-raqim - 090 Section 8
- Jili, Abd al-Karim - Al-Kahf wa al-raqim - 100 Section 9
- Kabir - All things are created by the Om
- Katha Upanishad
- King, Martin Luther - My Pilgrimage to Nonviolence – 01 As a Christian I believe that there is a creative personal power in this universe who is the ground and essence of all reality
- Kish
- Lalla - There are two results and three causes
- Luiseno - Native American Indians - Creation Myth
- Marad - Ninurta and the turtle: translation
- Michelangelo - 1508 Sistine Chapel - 08 Creation of the Sun and Moon
- Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov – Oration on the Origin of Light. A New Theory of Colour – 01 On light and Light
- Mircea Eliade - Australian aboriginal Bunjil
- Mircea Eliade - Siberian shamanism on Ultimate Intelligence
- Mircea Eliade - The Eagle in Buryat and Yakut legend
- Mircea Eliade – Patterns in Comparative religion - Bulls
- Monroe, Robert - The Creator and Creation
- Native American Wisdom - Oren Lyons - The abuse of power
- Nippur
- Ogotommeli - Drums
- Ogotommeli - The Word
- Plato - Timaeus - Chaos, Spirit and the Immortal soul
- Pope Benedict XVI - The Logos
- Pordage, John - The Creator and God
- Qu’ran - Intelligence as function not form - Surah Al An’am
- Ramakrishna - Gospel of Sri Ramakrishnan - The Primordial Power is ever at play
- Rig Veda - The All Maker
- Russell, George William - Miscellaneous quote
- Schelling, F W J - Clara or On Nature’s Connection to the Spirit World – The existence of creation and destruction
- Shaivism - Concepts and symbols - Creator
- Shaivism - Concepts and symbols - Creator and Created
- Shaivism - Concepts and symbols - Lingam and yoni
- Sikhism – Ik Onkar
- Sikhism – Japji 37
- Spencer, Stanley - Symbolism 05 - The Nativity
- Spinoza, Baruch - Ethics - God as the ultimate cause
- Stapledon, Olaf - Starmaker - Meets his Creator
- Stapledon, Olaf - Starmaker - The cosmos
- Stapledon, Olaf - Starmaker - The perfected cosmos
- Susa - Enlil and Ninlil with the Tree of life
- Swedenborg, Emanuel - The Infinite - And the creation
- Swedenborg, Emanuel - The Infinite - The Great Work
- Swedenborg, Emanuel - The True Christian Religion - The Trinity
- Tennyson, Alfred Lord - The Making of Man
- The Ancestors - Somerset - Cadbury Castle
- Thoreau, Henry D - Walden - Where is heaven?
- Tzu, Lao - Tao gave birth to One, One gave birth to Two
- Vivekananda - from A Song I Sing to Thee - At the Beginning
- Vivekananda - from A Song I sing to Thee - I exist
- Wells, H G - The Undying Fire
- Wikipedia - The Fon creation myth
- Yoruba creation myth
- Zimmer, Dr Heinrich - Adi-sesa
- Zohar - III 288b - The Three heads