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Pordage, John - The Creator and God
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
The Wisdom of John Pordage [editor Arthur Versluis]
For no creature can comprehend an infinite, unsearchable and incomprehensible Creator; therefore none can know what the Spirit of Eternity is but himself alone.
The first manifestation of himself is in the globe of eternity; for there he first becomes knowable to the intellectual creatures, but without and beyond it, he is as a Nothing to all created understandings, being hid and wrapt up in his own unsearchable mystery.....
But, you’ll say, if the spirit of eternity be incomprehensible and infinite, how can it be contained and comprehended in the globe of eternity? To which I answer that such a being cannot be comprehended or contained by anything but itself; so when we say that God is incomprehensible, we do not mean he is not comprehended by himself, but only that nothing besides himself can comprehend him.