Observations placeholder
Swedenborg, Emanuel - The Infinite - The Great Work
Type of Spiritual Experience
The fountainhead is Energy - the basic first cause
It is turned into other things by a function a process [form + function = spirit] - this process is the Great Work
By a process of input/process/output - cause and effect repeated over and over again, more and more things were created.
But the process itself had to be created first - which means there had to be a creator [or creators] and a means of notating these processes - the Word.
A description of the experience
Swedenborg – The Infinite
All things in the world originate from what is compounded consequently from one single fountainhead and one primitive cause; that this primitive cause is derived into the various things which are caused … also that no other cause could possibly have had existence than the one which has proceeded by genealogical descent as it were, from its first parent or Simple.
…... Now since the world deduces its origin and subsequent increments by a connected and contiguous series, from the first or single end through intermediates to another end, and since there must be present a cause, and indeed an efficient and active cause before anything can be produced in a series, it follows that there must be a passive, an active and as a product of both a compound or elementary