Spiritual concepts
Word, the
What makes the Systems and Functions in the spiritual world ‘work’?
If there is function, somehow the instructions for the function have to be described so that they are executed. If we imagine that each 'Form' is like a robot that needs instructions to make it work, then how are those instructions described?
The answer is 'the Word'. The Energy of the universe is 'programmed'
Using the analogy, computer programs are usually written in a computer language which uses letters of the alphabet. But that is not the end of the process, because once the instructions have been written in a computer language, they then have to be further processed into a final machine readable form. A computer language is simply a short hand way of writing the instructions. In the end the computer only understands one thing – numbers. So every instruction we give it becomes a number – whatever the instruction. In the end every program is expressed using zero and one.
Everything these days is being converted to digital technology – TV pictures, images from cameras, music, functions… but by digit we mean only two numbers - zero and one. In other words, everything we see, hear or execute can be represented by using just two numbers 0 and 1.
And so it is in the spiritual world – everything is represented using the Word. And the Word is, in a sense, both letters and 'numbers'. In the spiritual world, the unit of 'programming' is a spiral of energy see Unit of Energy – a cone a bit like a spinning top. It spins or it does not and then there are rates of spin - vibrational levels. So the unit of programming has three dimensions – on, off and rate of spin.
This fact has a certain irony, because several thousand years ago Pythagoras wrote that the Systems of the universe are capable of all being expressed using numbers. He was right. The system of the Kabbalah in the Sepher Yetzirah [the Book of Formation] describes the same thing. In the Kabbalah, the universe is programmed using letters – Aleph, Mem, Shin etc and combinations of these letters produce programs – functions. The Tetragrammation is all the functions of the universe and is the 'Name' of God.
See also Names.
For more details see Word notation system.
For iPad/iPhone users: tap letter twice to get list of items.
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