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This book, which covers Visions and hallucinations, explains what causes them and summarises how many hallucinations have been caused by each event or activity. It also provides specific help with questions people have asked us, such as ‘Is my medication giving me hallucinations?’.

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Observations placeholder

Kena Upanishad



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

Kena Upanishad

Who sends the mind to wander afar?  Who first drives life to start on its journey?  Who impels us to utter these words?  Who is the Spirit behind the eye and the ear?

It is the ear of the ear, the eye of the eye and the Word of the words, the mind of the mind and the life of the life.  Those who follow wisdom pass beyond and on leaving this world, become immortal.


What cannot be spoken with words, but that whereby words are spoken:  Know that alone to be Brahman, the Spirit; and not what people here adore

What cannot be thought with the mind, but that whereby the mind can think:  Know that alone to be Brahman, the Spirit; and not what people here adore

What cannot be seen with the eye, but that whereby the eye can see:  Know that alone to be Brahman, the Spirit; and not what people here adore

What cannot be heard with the ear, but that whereby the ear can hear:  Know that alone to be Brahman, the Spirit; and not what people here adore

What cannot be indrawn with breath, but that whereby breath is indrawn:  Know that alone to be Brahman, the Spirit; and not what people here adore

The source of the experience

Upanishads, the

Concepts, symbols and science items


Science Items

Activities and commonsteps


