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Fechner, Gustav Theodor - A light as of transfiguration lay on all things
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
Gustav Theodor Fechner
On a certain morning I went out to walk. The fields were green, the birds sang, the dew glistened, the smoke was rising, here and there a man appeared, a light as of transfiguration lay on all things.
It was only a little bit of earth; it was only one moment of her existence; and yet as my look embraced her more and more it seemed to me not only so beautiful an idea, but so true and clear a fact, that she is an angel – an angel carrying me along with her into Heaven. . . , I asked myself how the opinions of men could ever have so spun themselves away from life so far as to deem the earth only a dry clod . . . But such an experience as this passes for fantasy.
The earth is a globular body, and what more she may be, one can find in mineralogical cabinets.