Observations placeholder
Nizami – Makhzanol Asrar (The Treasury of Mysteries) – from The Second Discourse 01
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
On advising the king to uphold justice
919. Oh thou, whose judgment is the ruler of all who have life ; oh thou, whose foot is the jewel of crowned kings,
920. If thou art a king, seek a royal palace; if thou art a gem, seek the divine crown.
921. From the world beyond which there is no road, and of which only thou and I have knowledge,
922. Thou hast been regarded with the greatest favour by that Light which is cherished in eternity.
923. Thou art a rare coin, and thy city is the world. All the currency of the world is thine, coin by coin.
924. The empire with its affairs and authority is thine; be proud, this happiness is thine.
925. Thy circle is wider than the circle of heaven; thou art worth more than both worlds.
926. The dawn holds the mirror, only that thou mayest see thine own face.
927. The motion of this cradle which is thy temple, is but to lull thee to a sweet sleep like a child.
928. Thou art both the bird of the heart and the breath of life. If there is any like thee, it is thyself.
(78) 929. The heart of the sun, which is full of fire, is happy, because it sees thy face.
930. The moon, which wanes to the fineness of thy hair, laughs when she sees thy face.
931. Enjoy the world, because thou art greater than all. Do not grieve; thou art not the slave of the world.
932. Be humble to all like the dust of the earth; be free of all like the wind.
933. Earth is better alone by itself; wind-blown earth becomes dust.
934. Give thy heart to God and be happy; this is a further kingdom for thee.
935. Say: "'Where is the knowledge of religion and piety? Where are we, and where is trust? "
936. News of the other side of the world is given to the heart which has received the mark of religion.
937. Strive for religion, because thou hast the world, that thou mayest possess thyself of the other world also.
938. Since religion cannot be bought with the things of this world, one should not listen to the orders and prohibitions of the devil.
939. Every barleycorn weight of the essence of this amber is worth a stone of alchemy.
9,10. Throw away the stone and take the jewel; give the dust of the earth and take the gold.
941. He who gives thee the provision for the road, takes one portion from thee and gives thee ten in exchange.
942. There is no better investment than this; take thy profit; indeed thou canst not lose.
943. Thy work is appointed to foster religion; just kings have acted in this way.
944. To administer justice is right thinking. To be free from these people is the best calling.
945. If thou art the benefactor of the city and the army, the whole city and army will wish thee well.
946. Tyranny destroys the empire. The empire endures by kindness to its subjects.
947 . There is a reckoning; come, and before that end observe thine own works and take warning.
948. Seek peace for the people; why injure them? What can be the result of injustice but shame?
949. Reason is in a deep sleep of intoxication; the ship of prudence is in a whirlpool.
950. Suppose that thou hast possessed thyself of the belongings of the weak; suppose that thou hast tyrannously seized the goods of the orphans,
951. On the day of resurrection which is the day of judgment, wilt thou not be ashamed of thy excuses?
952. Turn thy face to religion, because it is a strong support; turn thy back to the sun, because it is worshipping fire.
953. This game of the golden ball is fatal like arsenic. Do not, pursue games like a sick woman.
954. Everything in this tent with nine pegs is the sport of this fatal game.
955. Blow it out from thy mind as with the breath of the Messiah. Free thine own oil from this lamp.
956. How much longer, like a moth, wilt thou shed thy wings and throw, thy shield down before a Iamp?
957 . Tear this forth curtain, so that the wings of Jesus may grow from thy feet.
958. He who like Jesus, gave up his life, truly conquered the world.
(80) 959. One cannot conquer the world by tyranny; one can gain empire by justice.
960. What portion will injustice give to thee? Injustice gives thee to destruction.
961. Justice is a messenger of good tidings, gladdening wisdom. It is an agent which brings prosperity to the country.
962. The empire endures through justice. Thy rule will be confirmed by thy justice.
The source of the experience
NizamiConcepts, symbols and science items
King and Queen
Moth [insect]
Nine levels
Sun and Moon