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Observations placeholder

Khan, Hazrat Inayat - The Art of Being and Becoming - On the stages of the mystic



Type of Spiritual Experience


Describes the last stages towards annihilation

A description of the experience

Hazrat Inayat Khan – The Art of Being and Becoming

He ..develops a birdlike nature and floats in the sphere of imagination, quite unconscious of the earth and its surrounding.  He seeks the society of those of a like interest, just as a bird would be with a bird and makes his home on high, in the world of thought, as the nest of a bird is in the top of a tree. 

He advances still further and becomes as an insect, admiring the immanence of God in nature and absorbing rapture from divine wisdom, just like a bee gathering honey from flowers.  Like a moth he concentrates on and hovers round the light, until his self is sacrificed in the vision of his love.  In the end he becomes like a germ, an object lying at the feet of the walker; anybody may walk upon him who so chooses.  He cares for neither light nor knowledge, for he has passed far beyond that..............

Then he acquires the quality of the rock, when it has no effect upon him for what purpose he may be used, whether to crown a dome or for the base of a building.  Neither climate nor day nor night  can make any difference to him, neither sorrow not joy can touch him; he becomes free from all effects.  Then he arrives to a condition where he sojourns in a star, planet, the moon and sun…. his star quality brightens him; his planet quality produces within him a world of his own; his moon quality becomes the receiver of all divine light; and his sun quality produces in his voice, word and glance the power of illumination.

The source of the experience

Khan, Hazrat Inayat

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps



Contemplation and detachment

