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This book, which covers Visions and hallucinations, explains what causes them and summarises how many hallucinations have been caused by each event or activity. It also provides specific help with questions people have asked us, such as ‘Is my medication giving me hallucinations?’.

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Observations placeholder

Morrells, Luce and the loom



Type of Spiritual Experience


I don’t know what she saw.  It could have been the inter-connecting threads between people and things, it could have been so called ley lines.  This may have been even more symbolic and related to the matrix. 

A description of the experience

I was just above the surface of the earth – at least I think that is where I was because the whole planet was a lovely sort of dark indigo blue colour – not like it usually is.  The sky around the planet was black, but it was fairly easy to see the outlines of the curve of the earth. 

Traced over the earth were thousands and thousands of lines.  Some quite thick, some thinner, all in straight lines, some going parallel with one another many radiating out from specific points.  Some lines just crossed over one another, but there were sort of star burst places with lots of lines converging on a point.  The lines were shimmering, a sort of lovely whiteish, soft colour it is difficult to describe, like fairy light! 

At first I thought I was looking at some sort of communication network like phone lines or maybe the communication network for the Internet, then it occurred to me it may be flight paths of airplanes.  But the different thicknesses seemed strange.  I couldn’t work it out at all. 

Then they seemed to pull me up higher and I gradually moved farther and farther from the ‘surface’ -  if there was one.  The fine lines sort of got lost as I moved away, but what I did see was that the lines spread all over the earth – everywhere - the entire surface.  I suppose they covered the sea as well, because there was no break in them.  They weren’t moving or anything, just still, the same soft white light and shimmering.  I could really only trace an outline, but they were everywhere.  It was all very beautiful, quite mesmerising.

Then we started to come back in again, quite quickly really, and at every height the detail became more easy to see.  What I came to realise was that as you got closer it was easier to see more and more of the finer lines.  The world was jam packed full of these lines there must have been trillions.  All with the same pattern, star bursts in pale shimmering light like the trails of very well ordered fire flies.  But again no movement, the lines were fixed in place.

It can’t have been airline trails, it can’t have been communication networks or phone lines, it can’t have been the tracks of people, because they were everywhere all over the planet and because there were trillions of them.  I can’t work it out.  I have no idea what I was being shown.  All I know is that it was truly beautiful.  I’d have loved to have a fly round along the lines, but there was a noise outside and it brought me back with a bump...

The source of the experience

Morrells, Luce

Concepts, symbols and science items



Activities and commonsteps

