Observations placeholder
The Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead
Type of Spiritual Experience
Compare this observation with that of Paul Brunton and his rebirth experience - makes for an interesting comparison.
A description of the experience
The Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead – translated by R O Faulkner
Spell 77 – spell for being transformed into a falcon of gold
I have appeared as a great falcon, having come forth from the Egg; I have flown up and alighted as a falcon of four cubits along its back, whose wings are of green stone of Upper Egypt; I have gone up from the coffer into the Night-bark, I have brought my heart from the eastern mountains, I have alighted in the Day-bark, there are brought to me those of ancient times bowing down, and they give me worship when I appear, having been reassembled as a fair falcon of gold upon the pointed stone. Re comes in daily to give judgement, and I sit among those elder gods of the Lower sky; He of the Field of Offerings bows to me in the Presence, and I eat of him and have power over him, I have abundance to my desire. The grain god has given me smoked barley, and I have power over what appertains to my head.
The source of the experience
Egyptian Book of the DeadConcepts, symbols and science items
Cardinal directions
Four seasons and the hours