Observations placeholder
Gurdjieff - Beelzebub's tales to his grandson - Three brains
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
Beelzebub's tales to his grandson
"The first kind of hasnamuss individual is a three-brained being who, while acquiring this 'something' in his common presence, still consists only of his planetary body and who, during the process of the sacred rascooarno is subject to the consequences of the properties of this 'something' in him and is thus destroyed forever such as he is.
"The second kind of hasnamuss individual is a three-brained being in whose common presence the 'kesdjan body' has already been coated with the participation of that same 'something', and, as is proper to such a cosmic arising, having acquired the property of 'toorinoorino,' that is, 'nondecomposition' in any sphere of that planet on which he arose, has to exist such as he is, undergoing certain transformations, until this 'something' has been eliminated from him.
"A hasnamuss individual of the third kind is a three-brained being in whose common presence the highest being-body, or 'soul,' has been coated, again with the participation of this 'something', and this highest being-body also acquires the property of toorinoorino, but this time corresponding to this highest coating, that is to say, it is not subject to decomposition, either in the spheres of that planet on which he arose, or in any other sphere of the Great Universe.
"The fourth kind of hasnamuss individual is like the third, but with this difference, that the hasnamuss of the third kind has the possibility of at some time becoming so to say 'cleansed' from this 'something,' whereas for the fourth kind this possibility is lost forever "That is why the fourth kind of hasnamuss is called an 'Eternal Hasnamuss Individual.'
The source of the experience
Gurdjieff, George IvanovichConcepts, symbols and science items
The Three WorldsScience Items
Activities and commonsteps
Eating for healthExercising and keeping fit
Listening to music
Reducing desires
Reducing opportunities
Reducing threats
Reverse REM
Squash the big I am
Suppressing memory
Suppressing obligations
Suppression of learning