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Rig Veda - The House of Clay
Type of Spiritual Experience
This is a plea by the Higher spirit not to be born - to go to the house of clay.
A description of the experience
The Rig Veda [translated by Wendy Doniger]
Let me not go to the house of clay, O King Varuna, not yet. Have mercy, great ruler; be merciful
If I seem to stumble and tremble like a puffed up goatskin, O master of stones, have mercy; great ruler, be merciful
If through weakness of will power I have somehow gone against the true current, O pure one, have mercy; great ruler, be merciful
Thirst has come upon the one who sings to you as he stands in the midst of waters; have mercy, great ruler, be merciful
If we humans have committed some offence against the race of gods, O Varuna, or through carelessness have violated your laws, do not injure us, o god, for that sin