Spiritual concepts
Please open the Model of the Mind to see the relationship between sensations and the functions of the mind.
Sensations are the information equivalent of a physically experienced taste, smell, sound, image, or feeling such as pain, pleasure, bliss or hunger. It is information that can be processed by the mind - the touch of a feather, the smell of a rose, the taste of a fillet steak, the sound of a song thrush.
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- Asvaghosha - The Awakening of Faith in the Mahayana - The problems of the 5 senses
- Damasio, Professor Antonio - Emotion
- Descartes, Rene - The subjective nature of perceptions
- Hume, David - 6th sense versus the other senses
- Hume, David - Animals have similar functions to humans
- Myōe – Truly (such a thing as] one's own body does not [really] exist
- Spinoza, Baruch - Ethics - Mind