Observations placeholder
Spinoza, Baruch - Ethics - Mind
Type of Spiritual Experience
'We' are actually our mind. We just happen to inhabit a body and the only knowledge we have of the body is through 'affections' - nervous sensations'.
The memory we have, in other words, is of us as an entity - an aggregate. We have no idea how our liver feels or our heart or our little cells, the only way we know if anything is wrong is if a signal is sent via our nervous system of impending doom! And we get pain. But on a day to day basis the cells, organs and so on act autonomously.
They have software of their own and they have 'memory' which is their own – albeit a different sort of memory to us.
A description of the experience
Baruch Spinoza - Ethics
The human mind does not involve adequate knowledge of the parts composing the human body.......the human mind does not know the human body itself, nor does it know that it exists, except through ideas of affections by which the body is affected …....... and so the idea or knowledge of each part composing the human body is in God