Spiritual concepts
Psychometry is the name given to the ability to read the perceptions of an object. The object is then also the bridge.
In effect, by using objects such as clothes, rings, pots, necklaces, figurines etc it becomes possible to tap in to imprinted perceptions. Inanimate objects can 'store' perceptions. If you look at the explanation for Perceptions - what has perceptions, you will see that everything has perceptions, because as this is a 'software' universe, everything has a log. The more accessible perceptions are usually those which have been laid down at a time of high emotion from the people that have handled them.
The ability to read those perceptions is obviously not given to everyone, but some people have it. This I have explained in the section Perceptions - accessing perceptions.
It is a form of inter composer communication. But, it is a highly special one, as to be able to read the perceptions of an inanimate object you are using the composer of the substance as a whole. Inanimate objects do not have consciousness, so do not have an individual composer, but they do have a 'group' composer related to the substance they are made of. As such this is in some senses a form of Substance guide communication, but It is not direct in any way - you never actually communicate with the composer directly - see the elf of the pot!!
For iPad/iPhone users: tap letter twice to get list of items.
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 53 In the ruins of Jumieges Abbey, four people hear a chorus of many male voices singing Vespers
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 54 The painful wailings of the newborn, combined with the sad singing of a woman's voice, may have their origin in a blood drama
- Cassidy, Joe - telepathy with a child and a spirit
- Castle of seven staircases
- David-Neel, Alexandra - Phurba and the lama, the
- Denton, Professor William and Elizabeth - The history of objects
- Dorothy Walpole - the Brown Lady
- Ernesto Bozzano, Professor - The parapsychological manifestations of animals – 34 A possible case of the the psychometric revival of a cat and a dog
- Farrelly, Frances - Mexican figurines frighten mice
- Farrelly, Frances - Sensing the sadness in a ring
- Ghost at Ash Manor House, Surrey
- Ghost of Duke in Raynham Hall
- Ghosts in Charlie Bain's house
- J R Buchanan - The past is entombed in the present
- Jenkins, Stephen - Mounts Bay Cornwall on a ley line node point
- Khan, Hazrat Inayat - Misc. Quotes - On nature
- Lady Stickland's experience
- Lethbridge, T C - A Step in the Dark – The difficulty of testing for psychometry
- Lethbridge, T C - A Step in the Dark – The stench of psychometry
- Lethbridge, T C - A Step in the Dark – Using the pendulum for psychometry
- Lethbridge, T C - A Step in the Dark – Using the pendulum for psychometry, stone throwing
- Macfarlane, Robert - Chanctonbury Ring
- Maharani's ghost story
- Maria R. Zierold
- Mary Boyle's ghost story
- Mushrooms, Belladonna & Brugmansia - Being in a barrow
- Myers, F W H - Human Personality and its Survival of Bodily Death - The ghost as an extract of perceptions
- Olivia sees pictures from objects
- Ossowiecki, Stefan - describes the process in more detail
- Ossowiecki, Stefan - elephants and crocodiles
- Ossowiecki, Stefan - experiments
- Ossowiecki, Stefan - experiments using documents in lead pipes
- Ossowiecki, Stefan - finding a missing bracelet
- Ossowiecki, Stefan - finding the missing brooch
- Ossowiecki, Stefan - Four archaeological experiments
- Ossowiecki, Stefan - Helping to catch a murderer
- Ossowiecki, Stefan - mixed envelopes give mixed messages
- Ossowiecki, Stefan - reads Mme Geley's letter
- Ossowiecki, Stefan - relates a wartime poisoning
- Ossowiecki, Stefan - sees an old urn, cotton wool and photographic plates
- Ossowiecki, Stefan - the dead man's box and the meteorite
- Ossowiecki, Stefan - the essential role of the bridge
- Ossowiecki, Stefan - the last letter of a dead man
- Ossowiecki, Stefan - the letter from Spain
- Ossowiecki, Stefan - the stolen documents
- Ossowiecki, Stefan - the test with the watch
- Osty, Dr Eugene - Supernormal faculties in Man – Mme Morel and psychometric studies
- Osty, Dr Eugene - Supernormal faculties in Man – Mme Morel The ovoid sealed bottle found in a necropolis near Baalbec
- Osty, Dr Eugene - Supernormal faculties in Man – She was given a piece of volcanic tufa from Pompeii
- Otto Reimann
- Rayner Garner and the matchbox technique
- Savage, Dr Minot Judson - Psychics : facts and theories – 10 The psychometrist relates facts only by holding a letter
- Savage, Dr Minot Judson - Psychics : facts and theories – 13 Psychometric readings of locks of hair
- Seeing historical events in detail
- Sheridan, Clare – The bloody history of the sacred tomahawk
- The Georgia slave stone
- The Ghosts of Abbey House
- The psychometric powers of Senora Maria Reyes de Z
- The Rev. Archer Sheper, vicar of Avenbury (Herefordshire County) - the church that emits organ music without an organist
- Tom Lethbridge and the Ghoul of Ladram beach
- Turvey, Vincent – The beginnings of Seership – Psychometry
- Vaughan, Dr Alan – Douglas Johnson was handed such a sealed envelope with a picture inside, he accurately described the picture in minute detail
- Wadsworth Longfellow, Henry - Haunted Houses
- Wales - The Nature of Things - Cook describes ancient cremation