Spiritual concepts

A specific type of Event, - physical activity - that has been observed to trigger a set series of predictable and ordered functions – a Transaction.
As the end point of a transaction [from our point of view] is nearly always a physical reaction to the stimulus, this will be seen as something happening in the physical world. What happened in between we do not know.
So to be a little flippant for a moment, we wave our magic wand [event], issue the magic words ‘umbygunby ottle splot’ and this triggers a whole series of invisible functions in the Egg and after these have worked their way through - it rains! [another physical activity].
As the Universe is a System, the same Spell should trigger the same series of functions every time, BUT in reality exactly the same set of conditions [inputs] have to be present for it to work.
If we now take another analogy. We take a banking card and we enter it into the machine in the wall, we issue the magic numbers and ‘hey presto! As if by magic – money appears. But next time we go and we think we have done exactly the same thing, we enter the bank card into the machine, we enter the magic numbers and ….. nothing! The reason nothing happened was because our bank card had expired. So the same set of conditions was not in place.
So we are actually using spells all the time, because we don’t know most of the time how the systems we use actually work, we only know the outcome.
What is perhaps not obvious to people, however, is that the systems in the spiritual world respond in the same way. For example, I put a seed into the ground, I pour liquid fertiliser over it, I issue the magic command, ‘grow little seed, may you prosper in your dark little home’ and it grows!!
And you may laugh, but actually we have no real idea functionally what happened in between. It is still all magic really.
All we ever see is the physical reaction to our action. Cause and effect, with a lot of the in between functions as unknowns.
So, the actual outcome may appear different to us, because all systems - including those in the Spirit world - work at the level of a class not occurrences, so for example, we wave a different magic wand [different occurrence of the wand but same type of event] and the chain starts all over again, but this time it doesn’t rain – wrong type of wand.
The physical activity - whether waving magic wands or droning an incantation or reciting some well-known formula, or putting a bank card into a machine, or placing seeds into the ground with liquid fertiliser and a good word are all ‘spells’. Sometime they work, sometimes they don’t. And when they don’t, it is because the inputs aren’t right.
A spell can thus be defined as a specific type of physical activity – an Event in other words – which, after a series of Spirit based functions, appears to produce a defined type of physical action as a consequence and in this we are of course dealing with heuristical learnt function.
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