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Observations placeholder

Rig Veda - The Creation and Sacrifice



Type of Spiritual Experience


This text is symbolically describing the creation of the mammal species from the spirit entity that has all the functions of mammals.  The Intelligence sacrificed its right to be physical and created from its functions all the functions of the various sub-species of the mammal

A description of the experience

The Rig Veda [translated by Wendy Doniger]

When the gods spread the sacrifice with the [Intelligence] as the offering, spring was the clarified butter, summer the fuel, autumn the oblation

They anointed the [Intelligence], the sacrifice born at the beginning, upon the sacred grass.  With him the gods, Sadhyas and sages sacrificed

From that sacrifice in which everything was offered, the melted fat was collected and he made it into those beasts who live in the air, in the forest, and in the villages

From that sacrifice in which everything was offered, the verses and chants were born, the metres were born from it, and from it the formulas were born

Horses were born from it, and those other animals that have two rows of teeth; cows were born from it, and from it goats and sheep were born

When they divided the [Intelligence], into how many parts did they apportion him?


The source of the experience

Rig veda, the

Concepts, symbols and science items

Science Items

Activities and commonsteps


