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Symbols - What does heaven look like


This is quite a complex symbol to explain. It is connected with both the symbolism of castration and sacrifice.

Within the Intelligence hierarchy castration is symbolic of the fact that only lower level – the bottom level -  Intelligences can produce physical copies – instances of themselves.  In effect, only at the lower level are copies of the species made and physical beings result.  If an Intelligence decides to create lower levels of itself, it gives up the chance to be physical anymore.  In Greek terms this was explained using the symbolism of castration.  In Hindu thought it was termed a sacrifice.  If we now continue the allegory, what happens at a sacrifice?

The Rig Veda [translated by Wendy Doniger]
From that sacrifice in which everything was offered, the melted fat was collected and he made it into those beasts who live in the air, in the forest, and in the villages.
From that sacrifice in which everything was offered, the verses and chants were born, the metres were born from it, and from it the formulas were born.
Horses were born from it, and those other animals that have two rows of teeth; cows were born from it, and from it goats and sheep were born.

So Fat is synonymous with Spirit - the raw material of creation of both physical and functional things.  So in some respects Fat is also spiritual input.

Just as an added bit of symbolism deriving from this symbol, Mardi Gras, means “Fat Tuesday” or more correctly 'Fat' Mars day. What became a legal holiday in Louisiana in 1875 was once a Christian holiday with roots in ancient Rome. Instead of outright abolishing certain pagan traditions, like the wild Roman festivals of Saturnalia and Lupercalia, religious leaders decided to incorporate them into the new faith.
"The origin of "Fat Tuesday" is believed to have come from the ancient Pagan custom of parading a fat ox through the town streets".  In other words the idea of fat as a symbol and the symbol of the ox were combined.


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