Observations placeholder
Atharvaveda - I 3 Charm against constipation and retention of urine
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
The Atharvaveda translated by Maurice Bloomfield
We know the father of the arrow, Parganya, of hundredfold power
With this charm may I render comfortable thy body
Make thy ourpouring upon the earth
Out of thee may it come with the sound bal!
We know the father of the arrow, Mitra, of hundredfold power
With this charm may I render comfortable thy body
Make thy ourpouring upon the earth
Out of thee may it come with the sound bal!
We know the father of the arrow, Varuna, of hundredfold power
With this charm may I render comfortable thy body
Make thy ourpouring upon the earth
Out of thee may it come with the sound bal!
We know the father of the arrow, Kandra, of hundredfold power
With this charm may I render comfortable thy body
Make thy ourpouring upon the earth
Out of thee may it come with the sound bal!
We know the father of the arrow, Surya, of hundredfold power
With this charm may I render comfortable thy body
Make thy ourpouring upon the earth
Out of thee may it come with the sound bal!
That which has accumulated in thy entrails, thy canals, in thy bladder
thus let thy urine be released
out completely with the sound bal!
I split open thy penis like the dike of a lake
thus let thy urine be released
out completely with the sound bal!
Relaxed is the opening of thy bladder like the ocean
the reservoir of water
thus let thy urine be released
out completely with the sound bal!
As an arrow flies to a distance when hurled from the bow
thus let thy urine be released
out completely with the sound bal!