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Sabina, Maria - from The Mushroom Velada EROWID
Type of Spiritual Experience
Maybe it wasn't the mushrooms - maybe it was the chanting and lack of sleep.
This is from EROWID
A description of the experience
Source Erowid: María Sabina: from The Mushroom Velada
A major Wise One (= shaman) among the Mazatecs of Oaxaca, Mexico, María Sabina received her poems/songs through use of the psilocybe mushroom at all-night curing sessions (veladas): a practice going back to pre-Conquest Mexico and witnessed by the Spanish chronicler who wrote: "They pay a sorcerer who eats them [the mushrooms] and tells what they have taught him. He does so by means of a rhythmic chant in full voice." The sacred mushrooms are considered the source of Language itself — are, in Henry Munn’s good phrase, "the mushrooms of language."
The [chant described in the rest of the article, not included] departs from the more extended, even "grandiloquent" language of most of the Chants, relying in part on techniques of fragmentation & the use of non-semantic sound (meaningless syllables, humming, clapping, whistling, etc.) The session itself goes on for a whole night, with many of the images, "self"-namings, etc., established early & repeated throughout in full or fragmented form.
The source of the experience
Sabina, MariaConcepts, symbols and science items
Science Items
Activities and commonsteps
PsilocybinSleep deprivation, insomnia and mental exhaustion
Listening to beating soundsSinging and humming
Singing spells
Suppression of learning