Observations placeholder
Diotima – 02 Eros and his role
Type of Spiritual Experience
Eros as personification of the Higher spirit
A description of the experience
Symposium – Plato [Translator: B. Jowett]
'And what,' I said, 'is his power?'
'He interprets,' she replied, 'between gods and men, conveying and taking across to the gods the prayers and sacrifices of men, and to men the commands and replies of the gods; he is the mediator who spans the chasm which divides them, and therefore in him all is bound together, and through him the arts of the prophet and the priest, their sacrifices and mysteries and charms, and all prophecy and incantation, find their way.
For God mingles not with man; but through Love all the intercourse and converse of God with man, whether awake or asleep, is carried on.
The wisdom which understands this is spiritual; all other wisdom, such as that of arts and handicrafts, is mean and vulgar. Now these spirits or intermediate powers are many and diverse, and one of them is Love.'
The source of the experience
Diotima of MantineaConcepts, symbols and science items
Higher spiritInspiration
Inspiration - how it works
Prophecy - how it works
Spirit input
Spirit output
Spiritual input [experience]