Spiritual concepts
Energy recycling
Energy is recycled as part of the ongoing process of Creation and Destruction.
- In order that our Functions work we are powered by incoming energy.
- In turn we produce Perceptions which are themselves a form of energy [programmed energy].
Both are important, and there is thus implied a sort of recycling of energy that takes place. The supply of energy is the same all the time it just has lots of different forms when viewed from the perspective of any one thing – sometimes it is input sometimes it is output [see also Cone].
Spiritual energy in the form of output ‘rises’ and is therefore described as ‘hot’ or ‘warm energy’ – all allegorical this, it is intended to help to describe the flow of energy. As it ascends it allegorically turns into clouds – vapour.
Spiritual energy which descends is ‘cool’ or ‘cold’ energy.
This recycling occurs for all things and there is a connection here with the concept of the Abyss.
For iPad/iPhone users: tap letter twice to get list of items.
- Aristotle - Physics - Motion
- Aurora consurgens - 05 An allegory of rebirth
- Bhagavad Gita - Vasuki and the Ocean of Milk
- Blithe spirit - The vast moving sheet
- Boehme, Jacob - Aurora - Holy Ghost and Wind
- Boehme, Jacob - Aurora - Holy spirit and Holy Ghost
- Boethius - The Consolation of Philosophy - This world would never have coalesced into one form
- Brihad-Aranyaka Upanishad – The Creation myth – 02 Verses 1.4.4 to 1.4.6
- Charles Fort - 0 Concepts - Contrast and Free will
- Cirlot on the Ouroboros
- Concept - Korean mystic shamanism – Chaos, Spirit, and Space-Time
- Dao de Jing - Chapter 16
- David-Neel, Alexandra - Kundalini and the symbolism of 'breathing'
- Descartes, Rene - Time, energy and function execution
- Dialogues of the Patriarch Hwan Yuan Chi - Eating breath
- Ecclesiastes 1
- Eddington, Sir Arthur - The Expanding Universe - The contracting universe
- Eriugena, Johannes Scotus - Peryphyseon – Energy recycling
- Flamel, Nicolas - Uraltes chymisches Werk A Eleazar 1760
- Flamel, Nicolas - Uraltes chymisches Werk A Eleazar 1760 1st illustr.
- Flamel, Nicolas - Uraltes chymisches Werk A Eleazar 1760 5th illustr.
- Flamel, Nicolas - Uraltes chymisches Werk A Eleazer 1760 3rd illustr.
- Heindel, Max - On chaos
- Hermes Trismegistus – Treatise XVI
- Hopi - Native American Indians - Snake dance
- Huangdi Neijing - Suwen short extracts
- Jeans, Sir James - The Mysterious Universe - The ship on the sea
- Kekulé, Friedrich August – The Origins of the Structural Theory
- Kekulé, Friedrich August – The Origins of the Structure of Benzene
- Khunrath, Heinrich - Vom hylealischen Chaos 1708
- Maier, Michael - Atalanta fugiens 1618
- Maier, Michael - Atalanta fugiens 1618
- Masters and Houston - Standing against a fairly strong breeze
- Myers, F W H - The Varieties of Religious Experience - Prayer
- Neiye - Verse 02
- North Whitehead, Alfred – 04 The immortality of an entity, the system of the universe, in time and outside time
- Ogotommeli - Energy recycling
- Parmenides - On Nature - 08
- Parmenides - On Nature - 12 to 19
- Pauli, Wolfgang - Dream 7th October 1949 'Cosmic rays'
- Pauli, Wolfgang - Letter [Zollikon-Zurich] 28th October 1946 [Handwritten]
- Plato - Cratylus - Everything flows
- Plato - Phaedo - Energy recycling, streams and rivers
- Plato - Theaetetus - On sensations
- Plato - Timaeus - The Ouroboros and the Abyss
- Reichel-Dolmatoff – Amazonian Cosmos - Desana Creation Myth
- Reichel-Dolmatoff – The Tukano Indians - Blue, Red and Smoke
- Reichel-Dolmatoff – The Tukano Indians - Energy conservation
- Reichel-Dolmatoff – The Tukano Indians - Hell and the Abyss
- Rig Veda - Death
- Rig Veda - Rain and Fire
- Rilke, Rainer Maria - 04 First Elegy
- Sidis, William James - The Animate And The Inanimate - 03 Chapter Three on Entropy and the 2nd law of thermodynamics
- Socrates - Plato Phaedo - Abyss and energy recycling
- Soddy, Frederick – Soddy's role as prophet - 02 Energy recycling, form, function and the Egg
- Soddy, Frederick – The Order of Creation – Creation of Time and the Elements
- The Clear Light Experience MDMA by MindTripper
- The Manuals of Taoist Sexual Practise – Ten Questions 01
- The Manuals of Taoist Sexual Practise – Ten Questions 04
- The Secret of the Golden Flower - 01 The Celestial Mind
- The Secret of the Golden Flower - 04 Tuning the breathing
- Urantia Book - Paper 42 - Energy, Mind and Matter - Spirit and energy recycling
- Wang, Wen-Lu’s Embryonic Breathing method
- Wirth, Oswald – 10 Wheel of Fortune
- Yerka, Jacek and Shuwen - Heaven
- Zhu Zi - The Complete Book of Zhu-Zi - An essay on regulating the breath