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Observations placeholder

The Manuals of Taoist Sexual Practise – Ten Questions 01



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

Thomas Cleary – The Taoist Classics
The Manuals of Taoist Sexual Practise – Ten Questions 01

The Yellow Emperor asked a Celestial teacher “How do beings operate?  How do plants and trees grow?  How are the sun and moon bright?’

The Celestial Teacher said:

Observe the conditions of the sky.  Yin and Yang are the standards of order; when beings lose this, they do not propagate, but when they have it, they thrive.  Ingest yin to solidify yang, and you reach clarity of spirit.

The way to ingest yin is to fortify your internal organs, strengthen your metabolic functions, so that energy cannot escape the body.  When ingesting yin, it is important to be calm, yet sexually aroused.

Embrace at the peak of excitement, penetrate repeatedly without ejaculation and sexual arousal grows, answered by moans and sighs.

Take deep breaths, no more than five, breathing through the mouth and taking energy into the heart, so that it fills the limbs, whereupon pure saliva is produced.  Swallow this, no more than five times, making sure the taste is sweet, directing it to the internal organs and the body will be quickly passive.

Drive the energy into your flesh and skin, even to the tips of your hairs and your pres and circulatory channels will open.  The sexual liquid is then present, causing the male erection to stand up firm and unwilting.

Eat and drink to suit the body

This is called the method of restoring what has been depleted, leading to clarity of spirit.

This is a Celestial Teacher’s method of ingesting the energy of the spirit.

The source of the experience

The Manuals of Taoist Sexual Practise

Concepts, symbols and science items


Energy recycling


Yin and Yang

Science Items

Activities and commonsteps

