Spiritual concepts
Hero - the quest

The stages of all heroes' quests follow a pattern:
- the call to the adventure and departure many first calls involve some shock, rebirths or even ‘near death experiences’ signifying the need for a change
- initiation usually involving a wise advisor e.g. Merlin, Gandalf, Obi wan kenobi, the Trickster magician, Taliesin from the Mabinogian, the Alchemist from the book of the same name. A seer mystic, wizard a mysterious and powerful person
- the giving and receiving of the magic weapon – the sword, the light sword, the cloak of invisibility etc
- the fellowship of allies – the support of friends e.g. the order of the Jedi knights, the Knights of the Round table, the fellowship of the Ring
- the period of training
- defeat of inner demons, resistance to temptation
- the quest itself with all its troubles, traumas, defeats and victories
- the return as a hero.
For iPad/iPhone users: tap letter twice to get list of items.
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- War of the Sons of Light Against the Sons of Darkness – 05 Disposition and weapons of the front formations
- War of the Sons of Light Against the Sons of Darkness – 12 Addresses and prayers of the battle liturgy
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