Spiritual concepts
Spirit entity
An entity is a type of thing, a class of thing, a classification of occurrences. It is identified and defined by the functions it has – see Function.
For example, the functions define the class we know as ‘water’. Even a rock or a stone has functions that define it as stone. If we can describe its attributes – what makes a stone a stone, then we have described its functions and thus its behaviour and thus the spiritual functions that the class ‘stone’ has. What makes the class of things we call a ‘tree’, a tree? Its behaviour – its attributes – its functions. What makes the class of things we call a ‘horse’ , a horse? Its behaviour, its attributes – its functions. Every class of thing in the universe is a class because of its defined functions. The universe is a huge set of classes of objects with very specific behaviour – functions.
They are Conscious.
What makes the world of spirit different to the world of the computer and the database for example, turning it from an Entity into a Spirit Entity, is that a Spirit entity is conscious – it also has one or more functions of what we might term ‘mind’. It has Will and it has Perceptions and often Reason and Memory too. Some have a very distinct 'personality'.
Although all spirit entities only occur once – one instance - they can all multi-task. Thus in a vision or hallucination numerous people may see the same Spirit Entity because it is multitasking
The sub-types
Spirit entity is a generic name that covers all sorts of entities with which one may come into contact in the spiritual world. [For anyone totally sceptical about the existence of these entities I found hundreds and hundreds of observations that support this finding. Their image may be constructed for us by the composer but their existence is real]. There are all sorts of names that are used to describe these spirit entities
- Intelligences - the name 'celestial hierarchy' is occasionally used to group Intelligences together
- Spirit helpers or Guide - which is in reality a role rather than a hard and fast classification and may include 'occurrences' of the spirit entities
- Beings also known as Spirit beings the name 'terrestrial hierarchy' is occasionally used to group spirit beings together
- Angels
- Avatars
- ‘gods’
- etc.
Some more links
For more details on the way the Entities are organised - see the Intelligence Hierarchy
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