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Observations placeholder

Sikhism – Japji 35



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

Dharam khand kaa ayho Dharam. gi-aan khand kaa aakhhu karam.

The Kingdom of Dharma has set rules.
Speak of the qualities of the realm of wisdom.

kaytay pavan paanee vaisantar kaytay kaan mahays.

How many forces – Air, Water, Fire?
How many Krishnas and Shivas ?

kaytay barmay ghaarhat gharhee-ahi roop rang kay vays.

How many Brahmas have fashioned forms of great beauty,
adorned and dressed in many colours?

kaytee-aa karam bhoomee mayr kaytay kaytay Dhoo updays.

How many worlds and lands for working out karma?
So very many lessons to be learned!

kaytay ind chand soor kaytay kaytay mandal days.

How many Indras, how many Suns and Moons,
how many worlds and lands?

kaytay siDh buDh naath kaytay kaytay dayvee vays.

How many Siddhas and Buddhas,
how many Yogic masters.
How many kinds of goddesses ?

kaytay dayv daanav mun kaytay kaytay ratan samund.

How many demi-gods and demons,
how many silent sages.
How many oceans of jewels?

kaytee-aa khaanee kaytee-aa banee kaytay paat narind.

How many ways of life, how many languages?
How many masters and kings?

kaytee-aa surtee sayvak kaytay naanak ant na ant.  

How many who worship, how many who serve?
Nanak says
no end, no end.


The source of the experience


Concepts, symbols and science items

Science Items

Activities and commonsteps


