Spiritual concepts
The Truth
Stacked away in the spiritual world are the accumulated Perceptions of millions of creatures and things – past and present.
Imagine all the Perception logs stacked together as if they were cylinders. We would see a huge forest of cylinders stretching into infinity, all of different heights because the number of 'snapshots' they had taken would differ. Some would be growing at an enormously fast rate as perceptions accumulated, some would be going at a slower speed. Some would be stationary.
This is what mystics call the Truth - the accumulated perceptions of everything since the beginning of creation.
We cannot change our Perceptions. Nor can anyone else. Thus our Perceptions are protected from any form of amendment, deletion or false additions. It is the Truth.
We can also only access our Perceptions via the composer function. If ‘external’ access to read our perception log is granted to another person or creature, it is by the mutual co-operation of our Composer functions. So the Truth is accessible, but only in a limited way.
Memory is totally protected. Memory is inaccessible to anyone but ourselves.
The Benefits of having access to 'The Truth'
Although there are disadvantages of being able to access the ‘common consciousness’, there are also great advantages to be had. Access all the perceptions in the spiritual world and you have gained access to what really happened. Pull all the snapshots of an event together and you have the accurate composite view of an event as perceived by its participants.
If we were able to gain access to the logs of every thing, we would be able to piece together all the evidence of a crime. We would be able to 'read' the criminals log and 'see' that he had done the crime. Our criminals would be in trouble, but the unfairly accused would be free. Justice would be done.
We would be able to see the foul in a football match from the perspective of all the spectators, the referee, the footballer who perpetrated the foul and his victim. Our decisions might be more fair.
We could look back on a war and see the perceptions of all those who lost, the events leading up to it from both sides, how people felt at the time, the perceptions of those who ended up being involved without wanting to. Our records of history might be more complete and balanced. History as it was, not as it is written.
J A Spender - The Comments of Bagshot
All that historians give us are little oases in the desert of time, and we linger fondly in these, forgetting the vast tracks between one and another that were trodden by the weary generations of men
If we could gain access to the logs of everything, our politicians would no longer be able to fabricate the evidence for war because we would be able to see that it had been fabricated, nor would they be able to misrepresent the state of the economy, for the state of the economy would be easy to deduce from the composite views of all the economists or the bankers or the financiers, businessmen and so on. The truth would be revealed.
And if we were able to get access to the logs of others we might have fewer broken hearts. The woman in love would be able to look in the perceptions of her lover and know his thoughts, so that when he said 'I love you', she would know whether it was the truth or a lie said to assuage or pacify or 'gain favour' as the Victorians used to so coyly put it.
With better information we might make better decisions and learn better forms of behaviour. We might improve as human beings. Might. So, in theory, we lose a huge amount by not having full access to the Truth.
But of course we would have to entirely change our ways of living, because as we live at the moment, we rely on this access being denied. Everything man does from sales to marketing to manufacture to communication relies on the fact that his thoughts are his and inaccessible.
For iPad/iPhone users: tap letter twice to get list of items.
- Atharvaveda - XII 1 Hymn to goddess Earth - Part 01 Prepare us for a sacred future
- Atharvaveda - XII 1 Hymn to goddess Earth - Part 02 Give us this day
- Browning, Robert - Reverie - For a veil is rent between
- Burton, Sir Richard - THE KASÎDAH 06 1
- Damasio, Professor Antonio - The lying memory
- Gnostic Gospels - Philip - The worldly see the All
- Gnostic Gospels - Philip - When all the Truth is revealed Then man may be perfected
- Hinton, Charles – Many Dimensions – Truth
- Jung, C G - Memories, Dreams and Reflections - The Truth
- Lalla - You won’t find the Truth
- O'Reilly, John Boyle - There is blood on the face of the earth
- Rumi - Whispers of the Beloved - If you can’t smell the fragrance
- Tagore, Rabindranath - On the Sick bed
- Whitman, Walt - Leaves of Grass - These are the thoughts of all men in all ages
- Whitman, Walt - Leaves of Grass - Through me many long dumb voices
- Zschokke, Heinrich – Perfect recall of other people’s lives, the truth will out