Observations placeholder
Burton, Sir Richard - THE KASÎDAH 06 1
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
Burton, Sir Richard - THE KASÎDAH 06 1
ALL Faith is false, all Faith is true:
Truth is the shattered mirror strown
In myriad bits; while each believes
his little bit the whole to own.
What is the Truth? was askt of yore.
Reply all object Truth is one
As twain of halves aye makes a whole;
the moral Truth for all is none.
As palace mirror'd in the stream,
as vapour mingled with the skies,
So weaves the brain of mortal man
the tangled web of Truth and Lies.
Yes Truth may be, but 'tis not Here;
mankind must seek and find it There,
But Where nor I nor you can tell,
nor aught earth-mother ever bare.
Enough to think that Truth can be:
come sit we where the roses glow,
Indeed he knows not how to know
who knows not also how to 'unknow.