Spiritual concepts
Hope is a very special form of simulation. It is function dependency invented as we go along with all the options, but invented to provide positive outcomes.
It is both a creative act – in that we have created a future we cannot possibly know, but also an act of simulation – reasoning based on a predictive model we have invented from pure optimism.
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- Bergson, Henri - Time and Free Will - Anticipation and hope
- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor - Kisses
- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor - Love, Hope and Patience
- Depression helped by drumming, hope, healthy eating and nature
- Dr J C Barker - Sudden death, asthma and the need for the will to live
- Gardening as a therapeutic intervention in mental health
- Hesiod - Works and Days - The story of Pandora
- Holderlin, Johann - Once Gods walked
- Klimt - Hope
- Schwabe, Carlos - Hope raising up Wounded Love