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Common steps and sub-activities

Lust Seid: The Norse Sex magick

I loved this description off the Internet, so I have taken it as it stands.  Seid is basically a pre-Christian divination . Frey[j]a is the Norse fertility goddess credited with introducing magic to Asgard (realm of the gods). So, a lust seid is like tantric sex, but with mead, and an altar to Freya, and a specific magical goal in mind. The general script follows.

O mistress of beauty and of sensuality,
We shall work this rite in thy honor,
And with thy warm blessings.
Grant us that which we desire,
For we draw it toward us with the passion
That we have for each other.

May our ecstasy go forth,
To worlds beyond worlds,
Carrying our will and our desire
And with thy blessing,
So may it be done!

Each alternately says some version of the following as they embrace. Each may guide the hands of the other as they speak, so that the feeling of welling power is intense:

I give my love and my passion to thee,
In the name of the lovely Freya,
As we hold each other.
The rainbow light that joins Earth and Sky
Begins to flow through us both.
I feel the rainbow power rise up into my toes,
As mine touch thine
Through my legs, and into my cup,
Pressed with passion against thee.
There to burn with desire
That grows ever more intense.
I feel some of the power rise into
The center of my body, and radiate out like the Sun
As I hold myself against thee,
That thou may feel it also.
It rises into my breast, pressed now against thee.
It rises into my heart, which beats for thee.
Up into my throat and neck, as I kiss thine.
The rainbow power glows within my eyes,
As I gaze into thine.
It fills my head and rises through my hair,
To glow and flare above us
As we embrace and kiss again.
By Freya, I desire thee!

Draw this power from me, beloved,
And let me give it back to thee
As we think on our seid, and our desire,
As we make love.

They embrace and kiss with much feeling.

Draw this power from me, beloved,
And let me give it back to thee
As we think on our seid, and our desire,
As we make love.

They embrace and kiss with much feeling. They concentrate on the subject of their seid during lovemaking and especially at the climax. At that time each should feel that power is being pulsed more and more strongly between their bodies, held for as long as possible, then fading away as the vast power goes forth to alter events to accomplish their seid.

When the last flow of passion is spent, each says:

The seid which we desire
Is now done.
So be it!