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This book, which covers Visions and hallucinations, explains what causes them and summarises how many hallucinations have been caused by each event or activity. It also provides specific help with questions people have asked us, such as ‘Is my medication giving me hallucinations?’.

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Common steps and sub-activities

Walking the labyrinth

This technique requires you to have access to a labyrinth, crop circle designed to be labyrinth like, or some similar convoluted path system.  A maze is not what is wanted.  A labyrinth has only one path, but winds its way around and around until you get back to the beginning.  It requires you to make no decisions about the route and thus requires no memory or learning – and this is key no learning. 

You walk the path – not attempting to wear yourself out, but simply walk and walk round it, the longer the better.  It is better if it is level, hills add interest and this you do not want.

The labyrinth should either have walls or hedges so high you cannot see over, or it should be on a featureless landscape in which you cannot see the overall pattern of the paths.

Left:  the 'Humming Bird' in the Nazca desert Peru (approx. 98m by 66m), one of the petroglyphs of the Nazca lines. 

I suspect that many of the Nazca patterns were used as walking meditation routes.

Having seen them from the air they would be very effective at suppressing the Learning function if walked round, and in the heat and silence of the desert environment perfectly capable of inducing trance states.

There is the option – if you are not very fit, or are confined to a wheel chair or similar, to use a large picture of a labyrinth and ‘walk’ it in your mind, but the technique is less successful and may take longer to work.

The objective is to walk at a steady pace – not run or jog – concentrating only on the labyrinth and its pathways.  Think of nothing else, don’t try to imagine the pattern in your head, just keep going round and round left right and so on aimlessly.


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