Common steps and sub-activities
Hesychasmic quivering
The word Hesychasm comes from the Greek hesychasmos, and from hesychia, "stillness, rest, quiet, silence". It is now tradition in the Eastern Orthodox Church, and some of the Eastern Catholic Churches. It is - in simplistic terms - a set of practises based on meditation, stillness of mind (hesychazo: "to keep stillness") and inward focus. It is part of the mystic movement known as Hesychastic mysticism.
Its principles are almost identical to those we see in yoga, and in practises such as contemplation . It is designed, as all the techniques on this website are designed, to get direct spiritual experience.
But included within the practises of this group of people is a practise known as ‘Hesychasmic quivering’, which is to all intents and purposes identical to the two techniques of shaking and quaking.