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This book, which covers Visions and hallucinations, explains what causes them and summarises how many hallucinations have been caused by each event or activity. It also provides specific help with questions people have asked us, such as ‘Is my medication giving me hallucinations?’.

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Observations placeholder

Healer H - I’m the Fagan with the kids



Type of Spiritual Experience


This was an experiment – a joint experiment where I was subjected to stimulation via trigger point techniques and another person  - the observer – used this and  Reiki to use me as a portal – it was successful on a number of occasions and you will find a number of observations derived from this approach.  Psychologists will love this one – but they may well be wrong in their interpretation, a lot of this is health related   …………

A description of the experience

22rd November  Transcript

a long tree trunk and people with old clothes carrying it with metal things hanging from it, it resembles scales a bit.  There is one person at either end of it and it is tipping back and forth

a gold wrist watch shining bright – the time says 5 to 10

now a factory with machines twirling and whirling – silver metal – a pole long same size as the tree trunk spinning around

I’m shown a piece of leather followed by a leather case and a nice old man with a feather pen in his hand pulls a scroll out from the case - ……..

I’m shown a castle very grand in red and orange a stone building……….

I float up and up and whoa………. Down we go like a roller coaster we are sitting at the front

A rusty door handle opens a door and  … another roller coaster trip down and down ….. not as deep as last time

Now they are showing me the tail side of a 2p coin – they keep saying it is copper copper

Up and down I go - ……… shown a big tree with a wider trunk than the first with a black metal seat surrounding it – you are sitting on it

 Down again ……….. low loow down a copper chain with copper rings around it. it’s attached to a large treasure chest wooden with black metal on it….. like a cross ….. the chain moves up towards me like a snake!! , I’m a bit frightened here …. Then the chain snaps and allows the lid of the chest to open – bright light!! …shining from within – a sense of power – joy everything is OK

A star shines bright in the sky – snowdrops – blue snow drops….. star is blue too……

Fatherly figure appears ….. pats you on the back as you walk into a garden ….. but an empty pram …………. Something about I’m the Fagan with the kids??

The source of the experience

Healer H

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps



Stimulation of trigger points

