Stimulation of trigger points
Category: Actions
Introduction and description
description later
Basic principles of stimulation
By using high or low intensity stimulation, one can manipulate functions:
- Low intensity stimulation - Very very light stimulation of a trigger point activates functions in the organs connected to that meridian. In effect, very low intensity stimulation increases the activity of a function. If that function is under activated, it will bring it back into balance. If it is already activated it will increase the intensity of the function
- High intensity stimulation - of a trigger point - the hard steady pressure of a finger, for example, knocks out the function - slowly reduces its activity. Note that this can be very useful for over active functions and where you have pain as high intensity can anaesthetise.
More details can be found in the section Trigger point stimulation and information about the correspondence between trigger points and nerves
Triggering devices
There are actually any number of devices that could be used now that machines have come onto the market, but lest we should forget, the following are all in use...
- Fingers and thumbs - versatile as they can be used for high and low intensity stimulation and are a good targeting shape [unless you have fingers like a bunch of sausages]
- Acupuncture needles - highly targeted, very precise and can be low intensity or high intensity. The high intensity is usually supplied by heat during moxibustion. The low intensity works via the earth's magnetic field which induces a current in the needles
- Studs and piercings - which act like a permanent form of acupuncture needle. Only for the brave!
- Metal rings and ear rings - which act like a permanent form of acupuncture needle. The third finger of the left hand has some fairly key trigger points on it which may be why we wear our wedding rings on this finger
- Feathers - and the technique of feathering, which provides extremely gentle low intensity stimulation but interestingly has the effect of really heightening function.
- Suction cups - Cupping therapy is an ancient Chinese method in which local suction is created on the skin by using small cups placed on a trigger point. Suction is created using heat. This is by definition high intensity and is thus used [ironically] in pain relief
- Probes and cylinders - as a consequence of Professor Calligari's work it has been realised that the diameter of trigger points varies quite a lot and thus probes or cylinders with a diameter equal to the size in millimeters of the trigger point are quite effective
- Small stick on pads - used for electrical systems, and the basis of the pads used in the supply of nicotine patches
- Lips - yes they work too as does the tongue, a gentle touch can produce high functionality increases
- Clothes pegs - applied to the fingers and used for pain relief
- Elastic bands [fingers] - intended to produce anaesthesia and pain relief
- Elastic bands [toes] - also intended to provide pain relief to certain areas of the body
- Combs [fingers] and Combs [palms] and Combs [feet] - used in pain relief
- Hand and fist clenching - "We do these things because they relieve pain and nervous tension – because they produce a form of analgesia, or pain deadening"
- Hand clamps - "used to relieve pain with extraordinary success in childbirth"
- Pebbles and small stones - usually low intensity, but if heated they can become of higher intensity
- Rollers - either connected electrically as in the MORA machine or stand-alone
- Tennis balls - which have been used effectively for sexual stimulation too! An example when used for neck stimulation can be found in the link Tennis ball stimulation
- Bean bags - achieves the same effect as lightly pressing the eye. These are, interestingly enough, also used in hypnotherapy
- Bracelets, and armbands, as well as Headbands - which can also include small ceramic pebbles or crystals to target a specific acupuncture point.
Finding trigger points
The location of trigger points is not always directly next to the organ they are intended to functionally trigger. Some trigger points seem to be situated a fair distance from the organs whose functions they trigger, some do not appear to even lie on any meridian – so finding them can be quite a challenge.
More help on this is found in the section Finding trigger points
Manually opening the flowlines
In general we make the assumption that meridians somehow open themselves once trigger points have been connected. But some people feel nothing because they are not sensitized to feeling anything. Professor Calligari, for example, in his experiments found that sensitive people could actually feel a tingling sensation along these lines, when they opened up and were stimulated, without needing help. But for those who did not have this ability he had a solution - see Manually opening the flow lines
Although this may be an immense disappointment to anyone reading this who hoped to get some magic combination of trigger points to give them nirvana, my overall advice is that you must use and follow a specific method in order to use this activity.
The following methods all use trigger points in order to heal, provide visions, invoke out of body experiences, produce peace and bliss or any number of other experiences. The healing is that described in the activity healing yourself, in that by rebalancing energy flows the body is better able to heal itself. The choice of method is up to you.
There are real, serious and even life threatening dangers associated with using trigger points without an understanding of the organs they affect and the combinations which are safe and which are not. I have provided a small number of observations to demonstrate what can go wrong.
Complete systems
TCM - Traditional Chinese medicine is “a great treasure house of complementary techniques” and includes Acupuncture, Acupressure, Tui na, Cupping therapy, Moxibustion, Qi gong and so on. These are all described in more detail below.
Acupressure - is based on exactly the same principles as Acupuncture, but instead of using needles to stimulate trigger points, the healer's hands are used to apply pressure. The meridians used are also exactly the same. Healing is the principle objective, however, bliss and peace have also been obtained. Acupressure is almost the same in principle to Tui na
- Acupuncture - is intended to be a healing technique using acupuncture needles and cups. Having said this it has been able to produce considerably more experiences than just healing from divine love, bliss and peace, visions, and perception recall to kundalini. It originated in China over two thousand years ago and is still practiced according to the classics of this time. It is based on meridians and trigger points.
- Qigong - Chinese Qigong also called Chi Kung, consists of several different fields – acupuncture, herbs for regulating human Qi or Chi [synonymous names], martial arts, massage, exercises, healing and ‘religious enlightenment’ and various forms of other spiritual experience besides healing. It has a very extensive range of trigger and meridian based approaches not just acupuncture
- Tui Na - is one of the techniques used in Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). It uses the hands to press on key points on the surface of the body to stimulate the body’s own natural healing process. Tuina and acupuncture use the same meridians and trigger points and they are both based on traditional Chinese medicine diagnostic techniques.
Calligari method - a fascinating method which has produced healing but also visions and out of body experiences. It used probes and cylinders. Professor Guiseppe Calligaris' method in essence rediscovered the system of meridians and trigger points. By scientific study, he managed to map much the same system as was used in Traditional Chinese medicine. But, of all the systems here it was far in advance of any of the others in mapping trigger points [which he called plaques] with functions. "He proved that everybody could be stimulated to enhance clairvoyance, clairaudience, and precognition and ‘retrocognition’, the same way that we learn writing or mathematical calculations"
Christos method - a technique that combines visualisation with stimulation of trigger points using hands, and three points in particular - the ankles and the 'third eye' forehead point. This technique has produced visions, out of body experiences, out of time, divine love, bliss and peace and perception recall.
H-wave therapy -H-wave therapy (HWT) is a form of electrical stimulation using small stick on pads, that produces a direct, localized effect on the conduction of underlying nerves. When done correctly a tiny electric current is applied to trigger points on the meridians. In effect, the minute applied current is an alternative to, for example, the needles used in acupuncture or the finger presses used in acupressure. It tends to get used for pain relief
Massage and physiotherapy - not all massage and not all physiotherapy uses trigger points, but when it does the hands are used and often the pressure applied is quite hard leading to pain relief, the functions are toned down
MORA therapy - The principle objective of the device is to promote healing by using the meridian and acupuncture of Chinese medicine. It uses probes and pads. and is also based on the idea of trigger points. Having used it effectively to heal people with apparently intractable problems, Dr Morell experimented a little with the acupuncture points and found he could provoke other sorts of positive spiritual experiences besides that of healing. One such combination of points is described in MORA Key Points
Mudras - use trigger points , but the activity needs no other person but the person using the mudra. In effect the person applies the necessary pressure to themselves using no other device than their own body. Mudras have the advantage that you are in complete control of what is done and when, but the disadvantage is that there are some combinations of trigger points that are beneficial spiritually and from a health point of view, that are either not possible by one person alone, or require someone who is either extraordinary supple and young, or a contortionist. The practise is used in Yoga and by Buddhists
Osteopathy - again principally a healing method using hands, which has produced other pleasant results including bliss and peace. It can be both a system used to stimulate trigger points and one used within the more general approach of stimulation via resonance. The manipulation of the craniosacral system, for example uses trigger points - see Craniosacral therapy CST.
Reflexology - is a healing and diagnostic technique that uses hand pressure applied to the trigger points on the feet and ankles as well as the hands. The treatment needs to be given by a qualified practitioner - partly because the areas on the feet need to be precisely identified, but also because, practically speaking, it is almost impossible to apply targeted pressure of this sort to your own feet. It is principally a healing method, but has also produced peace and bliss.
Reiki - The person uses their hands and principally the palms of their hands to adjust energy flows in the body. Interestingly this can be both a ‘hands-on transfer’ in which the healer touches the person or it can be a simple remote placement of the hands over various points of the body. The objective is the same in both cases, by balancing the energy better and getting it to flow correctly the practitioner helps the person heal themselves or gain a spiritual experience
Shiatsu - uses hand pressure on various trigger points, known as tsubos in the method, with the principal aim of healing. By using a mixture of sedation and tonification, the energy of the body can be rebalanced. And it works. But interestingly enough it has also produced other experiences - bliss and peace and even an 'hallucination' of the person's own aura.
Tapping - Tapping is the use of the finger to gently tap a trigger point. It is used within EFT - Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) a therapy that draws on the theories of a number of approaches but is based on meridians. and Cognitive Behaviour therapy
TENS - Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, or TENS, involves the transmission of electrical energy from an external stimulator to the peripheral nervous system via cutaneously placed conductive gel pads. In general it is of relatively high intensity and used for pain relief. Transcutaneous nerve stimulation is occasionally used for pain control during childbirth.
Yoga - Of all the hundreds of different techniques found in yoga - the vast majority are based on stimulation via trigger points. There are a number of core techniques that are combined in various ways. Gradually one works ones way from mastering a simple technique that has perhaps only one core technique to one that has two core techniques to one that has three and so on. By doing this, you learn about your body and how to do each technique properly getting the effect desired. I have provided a table within the entry for Yoga that shows the names of the techniques and the methods of which they are formed.
Zone therapy - is intended to be a pain relief method and uses only high intensity. It uses a fascinating array of triggering devices from rubber bands to combs to clothes pegs! Dr Fitzgerald, the inventor of the method never acknowledged that zone therapy owed anything to TCM, reiki or acupressure, shiatsu or any of the other eastern techniques, so all the naming and theory he espoused were unique to his techniques. The theory is a lot less developed than Chinese medicine or Japanese medicine or for that matter Indian medicine. But it does use a crude form of meridians and trigger points and it has worked.
Parts of the body and methods
In order to show what sorts of approach might be used, I have grouped some example methods around each body part. The links to the body area shows where the trigger points are. Many of the methods are incorporated in the systems above
Arms and hands - which contain a large number of trigger points. Arm and hand stimulation is a method used in shiatsu and also used in reflexology. An alternative is to Hold hands.
Back of the neck - which contains quite a large number of trigger points. Options here include
- Various yoga techniques including for example Sarvangasana and Halasana
- Heated neck collars
- Qigong neck stimulation
- Generic neck stimulation - usually part of massage methods
- Geisha wooden blocks
- Nodding and bobbing
Chin - examples of methods which use the chin as a trigger point include Chin pressing used in yoga, it uses fingers, low intensity
Ear - an example of a method which uses the ear as a trigger point includes Ear pressing which uses the fingers
Eye - an example of a method which uses the eye as a trigger point is Eyeball pressing using fingers or bean bags
Feet - the entire reflexology system is based on the trigger points in the feet. The stand-alone method of toe clenching is a self-help method of pain relief
Forehead - an example of a method which uses the forehead as a trigger point is Forehead pressing - which may also include the tip of the nose. This approach is used in the Christos method, for example, as well as yoga, Sufism and so on
Heart area - there are some key trigger points around the heart, but playing with these without understanding is dicing with death - literally. More details can be found in Heart tapping.
Intestines - most of the methods which use this trigger point are based on breathing techniques, but the diaphragm lock is simply a muscular exercise
Legs - methods which stimulate these areas include acupuncture and acupressure
Lower back - which contains a number of extremely important trigger points. Lower back stimulation is used in osteopathy and craniosacral therapy, but is not exclusively an osteopathic technique. It is used to invoke the 'still point' and may help in invoking kundalini experiences
Nose - both the side and tip of the nose are trigger points. One method which uses the nose is Nose pressing which uses the fingers.
Roof of the mouth - which contains some absolutely key trigger points. There are two types of technique that press the Roof of the Mouth – Tongue curling is used in the more advanced yoga practises. Another less dramatic version is called Tongue pressing.
Scalp - which has one of the most important trigger points in the body on the crown of the head. A very large number of methods use this area including Scalp massage, Champissage, Indian head massage, Scalp pressing, Geisha scalp massage and Craniosacral therapy CV-4 - which is based on head and scalp manipulation and is part of the Craniosacral therapy CST system.
Teeth - which have become more effective trigger points as a result of dental work! Teeth clenching and chattering - has had extraordinary results in producing relief from pain and anaesthetisation. An observation is provided with a photo. It was also used independently by Robert Monroe, who discovered it accidentally after having dental work and went out of body.
Throat - has a minor trigger point, but methods do exists for this point, for example, the Throat lock - using the body itself
Related observations
Healing observations
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Out of time
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- Tibetan Book of the Dead - Achieving Buddhahood - Part 3 010717
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In time
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- Alastair I. McIntosh - Enhancing perception 016206
- Calligaris, Professor Giuseppe - Beyond the world sensible 000722
- Calligaris, Professor Giuseppe - Seeing people and objects on the other side of a wall 000721
- Cassidy, Joe - hands-on healing 010041
- Cassidy, Joe - healing back pain 010040
- Christos - A Commentary by Alastair I. McIntosh - Stephen 000716
- Christos - Windows of the Mind - Becoming a bird 000720
- Christos - Windows of the Mind - Eye flicker 000714
- Christos - Windows of the Mind - Flying above his apartment 000713
- Christos - Windows of the Mind - Landing upside down 000715
- Christos - Worlds within - Blind girl sees 000719
- Craniosacral therapy, dreams and foxes 000754
- Hallucinations and health problems 000761
- Harner, Michael 000588
- Healer H - I’m the Fagan with the kids 000852
- Healer H - A ring of daisies forming a daisy chain 000854
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- Monroe, Robert - A visit to Dr Puharich out of body 000745
- Monroe, Robert - Becomes a 'ghost' out of body 000751
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- Myōe – There was a pole made of lapis lazuli hanging from the sky 021381
- Tarozzi and Fiorentino 000723
- The sun’s penis 000772
Environmental Influence
- Major F Yeats-Brown on the 'resurrection of the dead yogi' 016505
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- Tahra Bey - With knife in chest 010074
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- Tahra Bey - Breaking stones on his stomach 010062
- Tahra Bey - Buried in a coffin 010063
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