Observations placeholder
Healer H - An enormous caterpillar unusually wide
Type of Spiritual Experience
This was an experiment – a joint experiment where I was subjected to stimulation via trigger point techniques and another person - the observer - used Reiki to use me as a portal – it was successful on a number of occasions and you will find a number of observations derived from this approach
A description of the experience
20/11/12 Transcript
Long wooden table and bench. Its dark.... now a tiara shining brightly
i'm told to use reiki symbols for healing
i'm shown an enormous caterpillar unusually wide and with many many legs – it's dark and the creature is making its way up a small hill/slope
a fairground – very bright moon shines down on a ferris wheel – it is sparkling and pretty and is going round and round – we are on board it
fire and flames now, fairly gentle...... a man – a knight offers his hand for me to go with him
plastic trays with rollers on – go past like on a conveyor belt – it's a printing machine, printing newspapers
the hanged man? A man hanging anyway he looks like a pirate in a pirate hat
I go up to a beautiful land.. its night time the stars are shining and the sky is clear
it's daytime now and the trees are green and people walk through the park.... this has a nice feel........ a sort of ethereal lady and man walk amongst the people, a woman in a big dress is dancing.... she's rather good
it's pitch black now.......i've leapt off the edge of something and now i'm falling deep...deep …... deep … into the stars, I seem to get older as I fall i've stopped
I see a slope going up with a tram on it, white light glows... I am driving a JCB working out how to drive it..... I look ahead to see what I can see – a crocodile snaps, so I leave
now I'm shown 8? buckets of water being held by someone – an old lady – the buckets have a silver lid on but the buckets look like bog standard iron – the buckets are swinging to and fro rather gently
aaaah i'm being shown a newspaper again – front page news a photo and the headline is supposed to be relevant!!
The source of the experience
Healer HConcepts, symbols and science items
AbyssCaterpillar or centipede
Chinese elements correspondences
Ferris wheel