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Observations placeholder

Rudd, Xavier - Choices



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

Xavier Rudd - Choices [HD]

Let me down to rest of the world
I'm feeling cold, cold to the bones
Let me down so I can fly, fly, fly
Dragonfly doesn't matter

With flowers in the sunshine
Warming me up to the bones, lifting me up
So I can fly

She says it's nothing to be said, nothing to be gained
From the winds that blow today
Now you have is time, walking down the slide and twisted
Preservatives of life

You have what you have what you have is for you
And the future of your child
Look there's a full moon, I'm looking at you

Choices, you've been wrong and you've been cold
Choices, you've been wrong, you've been cold
Choices, you've been wrong and you've been cold
Choices, choices

I'm not scared, no no
I maybe just a little scared to die
Scared to die

She's said this nothing to be said, nothing to be gained
From the winds that blow today
Now you have is time, walking down the slide and crooked
Preservatives of life

You have what you have what you have is for you
For the future for your child
Look there's a full moon, I'm looking at you

Choices, you've been wrong, you've been cold
Choices, you've been wrong, you've been cold
Choices, you've been wrong and you've been cold
Choices, choices


The source of the experience

Rudd, Xavier

Concepts, symbols and science items


Science Items

Activities and commonsteps


Circular breathing
