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This book, which covers Visions and hallucinations, explains what causes them and summarises how many hallucinations have been caused by each event or activity. It also provides specific help with questions people have asked us, such as ‘Is my medication giving me hallucinations?’.

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Observations placeholder

Healer H - A ring of daisies forming a daisy chain



Type of Spiritual Experience


This was an experiment – a joint experiment where I was subjected to stimulation via trigger point techniques and another person  - the observer - used Reiki to use me as a portal – it was successful on a number of occasions and you will find a number of observations derived from this approach

A description of the experience

10th November  Transcript

Azure dragon – not very clear

A man……. surrounded by candles and he brings a ceramic brown plate of food – shown green crops fields and fields

Now a ring of daisies forming a daisy chain – pink – very pretty – going round and round

Now a man in brown leather boots and white trousers I can only see the bottom half of him from knee to the foot but he’s sort of plodding along plod plod plod a…. now a row of people men and women carrying a brown wooden beam all wearing daisy headdresses

I am putting my ‘wand’ [laughs] the quartz crystal over your solar plexus now.  Wow whoosh instantly in and up ………. Up ……. Up seem to be in some sort of castle but I am at the top and I am walking along a corridor now ……….. door opens and I am in a huge dome shaped space – someone says this is the board room.  There is a round table.  Six people there

Here comes that fuzzy green mist again – oh and I’m off along another corridor – 2 wooden doors open – and the knight – you know that knight I’ve seen lots of times, he’s there but he is not in his armour…… he has greeted me.  There is a balcony here looking down on a courtyard and a torchlight circling the courtyard below like a sort of searchlight

I’ve told them only to tell me what is important

Two crowns form the action of opening and closing – I back away.

Silence for a while

Aaaaah now snow – lots of snow and a snowy road with a big tree at the side cool calm quiet, going gently up [no more roller coaster that’s good] nice this

Anything else?

Snowy fields – attention drawn to a wooden fence – then a dry stone wall in the next field

Cool, very nice

The source of the experience

Healer H

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps



Stimulation of trigger points

