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Observations placeholder

Rudd, Xavier - Spirit bird



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

Xavier Rudd - Spirit Bird (audio HQ)

Give it time and we wonder why do what we can laugh and we cry and we sleep in your dust because we've seen this all before
Culture fades with tears and grace leaving us stunned hollow with shame we have seen this all seen this all before
Many tribes of a modern kind doing brand new work same spirit by side joining hearts and hands and ancestral twine ancestral twine
Many tribes of a modern kind doing brand new work same spirit by side joining hearts and hands and ancestral twine ancestral twine

Slowly it fades
Slowly we fades

Spirit Bird he creaks and groans she knows she has seen this all before she has seen this all before
Spirit Bird he creaks and groans she knows she has seen this all before she has seen this all before

Slowly it fades
Slowly we fades

Soldier on Soldier on my good countryman Keep fighting for your culture now keep fighting for your land
I know it's been thousand of years and I feel your hurt and I know it's wrong
and you feel you've been chained and broken and burned and those beautiful old people those wise old
soul's have been ground down for far too long by that spineless man that greedy man that heartless man
deceiving man that government hand taking blood and land taking blood and land and still they can
But your dreaming and your warrior spirit lives on and it is so so so strong in the earth in the trees in the
rocks in the water in your blood and in the air we breathe
Soldier on Soldier on my good countryman keep fightng for your children now keep fighting for your land

Slowly it fades
Slowly we fades
Slowly you fades
Slowly it fades

Give it time and we wonder why Do what we can laugh and we cry
And we sleep in your dust because we've seen it all before

The source of the experience

Rudd, Xavier

Concepts, symbols and science items





Science Items

Activities and commonsteps


Circular breathing
