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Zoroastrian - Means of achieving spiritual experience - 02 Sex [Herodotus]
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
Herodotus – The Histories
The following are certain Persian customs which I can describe from personal knowledge. The erection of statues, temples, and altars is not an accepted practice amongst them, and anyone who does such a thing is considered a fool, because, presumably, the Persian religion is not anthropomorphic like the Greek.
Zeus, in their system, is the whole circle of the heavens, and they sacrifice to him from the tops of mountains.
They also worship the sun, moon, and earth, fire, water, and winds, which are their only original deities: it was later that they learned from the Assyrians and Arabians the cult of Uranian Aphrodite. The Assyrian name for Aphrodite is Mylitta, the Arabian Alilat, the Persian Mitra.