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This book, which covers Visions and hallucinations, explains what causes them and summarises how many hallucinations have been caused by each event or activity. It also provides specific help with questions people have asked us, such as ‘Is my medication giving me hallucinations?’.

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Observations placeholder

Healer H - The lights upon them is what keeps them connected



Type of Spiritual Experience


This was an experiment – a joint experiment where I was subjected to stimulation via trigger point techniques and another person  - the observer - used Reiki to use me as a portal – it was successful on a number of occasions and you will find a number of observations derived from this approach

A description of the experience

September transcript

a merry go round and a maypole spinning around.

People in old clothes walking along a street holding a lantern.... it's dark...

mother with children age 3 and 4 walking along the street up a small hill – mother has a brown leather handbag...... has a 1950s feel to it............ a nun is handing red tulips to the children and the mother.....

i'm going up and up and up now...... patterned tiles.... big fire place with a clock on the top..... the time says 11.45............. being shown clips from the film Titanic now!

Man walking along – tweed jacket and brown rucksack..... bowler hat.... hat flies off! Into the air...... then it goes back on his head....

knight in armour walking towards the enemy, a battle takes place... I can see a metal dragon... spikes on his tail.

More brown leather.. a belt in the shape of a cross.........

very strong image now..........pink stones on a solid metal stand in the shape of a xmas tree.......

a centipede very long with all its legs in a tangle crawling on its back.... an old man in battle clothes tears it in half and eats it...

a rowing boat...

ladders going up and up and up very quickly..... a good feeling... at the top an owl circles and is watching......... large black crow now perched on a stick in the air, pushing us on!

Light house with autumn leaves in background..............

woodland clearing....

people....... ancestors?  Hanging up sleeping bags over a branch …... ready to study.....

bird watching over watching study - an eagle

trees show me their insides.....

convoy of lorries and bikes, flames surrounding them going along a road... now they are going off in all directions from a roundabout... but I hear 'the lights upon them is what keeps them connected'...

bright jewels...

oh. an old man – grey beard

holding bank notes which turn into pages … he has put the money under his cloak... turns to walk with a silver tankard which … its turned into a candle holder.........

that is all.......... done........done

The source of the experience

Healer H

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps



Stimulation of trigger points

