Symbols - What does heaven look like
A symbol of obedience. In effect, you know your Destiny and you understand your Role in the Great Work. There is also a reference made in the following quote about the horse, [steed of knowledge] meaning a means of transport to greater understanding.
Garden of Mystery – The Gulsham-i raz of Mahmud Shabistari
I’ve looked carefully, observing the origin of things
The tying of the belt signifies service and obedience
The people of Knowledge are not trusting of a word
Unless they have known its original sense
Tie the hero’s belt of obedience like a real man|
Come be among those who ‘keep your pledge to Me’
On the steed of knowledge with the mallet of worship
Carry off the ball of felicity from the polo field
This is the reason for which you were created
Out of all the many other creatures He created
The symbol was well known to our Pre-Rapahelite Brotherhood and indicated in paintings by using the ‘girdle slung low’ to indicate that the heroines of the spiritual path were obedient.
Note however that it was a different kind of obedience. The girdle slung low can also be related to the need for abstinence and thus obedience when one is practising sexual stimulation techniques.
In the Chinese Qigong system there is a meridian called the Girdle vessel. It goes around the waist, fairly low, just as these pictures show. It has two main trigger points on it CO-7 and GV-4 and in Chinese alchemy these appear to have been key, along with the Huiyin trigger point [perineum], in provoking the Qi [energy] to go up the Thrusting vessel provoking a kundalini experience. It was assumed that the pool of energy that had accumulated around the Lower Real Dan Tien [sexual organs] at the level of the girdle vessel, provided the fuel to send the spiritual arrow shooting up the spine. The two trigger points were then used to make sure the energy flew straight up and did not get misdirected. The girdle slung low was symbolically an indication that enough energy had accumulated in the sexual organs to allow this to happen. Note that there is a connection here with false pregnancy.
Above: Guinevere Right: The Accolade – Edward Blair |
Homeric Hymn to Demeter.
I begin to sing of Demeter, the holy goddess with the beautiful hair.
And her daughter [Persephone] too. The one with the delicate ankles, whom Hades seized.
She was given away by Zeus, the loud-thunderer, the one who sees far and wide.
Demeter did not take part in this, she of the golden double-axe, she who glories in the harvest.
She [Persephone] was having a good time, along with the daughters of Okeanos, who wear their girdles slung low.
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