Symbols - What does heaven look like
See Lilith.
For iPad/iPhone users: tap letter twice to get list of items.
- Agrippa, Heinrich Cornelius - Sacramentum matrimonii antiquissimum est - 03
- Doré, Gustave - The Bible - Adam and Eve are expelled from the Garden of Eden
- Isle of Man - The Testimony of John Davies, herb doctor and seer
- Jacolliot, Louis - The Bible In India - 01 The Fall according to Shaivism
- Jacolliot, Louis - The Bible In India - 02 The Fall according to Shaivism
- Jacolliot, Louis - The Bible In India - 03 The Fall according to Shaivism
- Jili, Abd al-Karim - Al-Kahf wa al-raqim - 090 Section 8
- Jili, Abd al-Karim - Al-Kahf wa al-raqim - 130 Section 12
- Jili, Abd al-Karim - Henry Corbin - The Paradise of Yima
- Nizami – Makhzanol Asrar (The Treasury of Mysteries) – from The First Discourse 01
- Ruzbihan Baqli – The Unveiling of Secrets – The Music of the Spheres
- Zohar - Bamidbar 159A - What did G-d want from man in this world?
- Zohar - I 034a – The Letter Samekh
- Zosimos of Panopolis - The Letter Omega - 08
- Zosimos of Panopolis - The Letter Omega - 09 and 10
- Zosimos of Panopolis - The Letter Omega - 11 and 12