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Observations placeholder

Zosimos of Panopolis - The Letter Omega - 09 and 10



Type of Spiritual Experience


Phos = Phosphorus = Lucifer

A description of the experience


Zosimos of Panopolis - The Letter Omega [translated by Howard M Jackson]

9. So, then, the first man among us is named Thouth, and among them Adam, a name from the language of the angels. And not only that, but with respect to the body the name they refer to him by is symbolic, composed of four elements from the whole sphere. For the letter

A of his name signifies the ascendant east, and air; the letter

D of his name signifies the descendant west, and earth, which sinks down because of its weight; and the letter

M of his name signifies the meridian south, and the ripening fire in the midst of these bodies, the fire belonging to the middle, fourth planetary zone.


10. So, then, the Adam of flesh is called Thouth with respect to the visible outer mould, but the Man within him, the Man of spirit, has a proper name as well as a common one. Now the proper name no one knows for the present, for only Nikotheos, the one who cannot be found knows it. But his common name is Phos, and from this it followed that men came to be known as "photes”.

The source of the experience

Zosimos of Panopolis

Concepts, symbols and science items

Science Items

Activities and commonsteps


