Symbols - What does heaven look like
The Camel can be symbolically a Mountain [!] - in other words a god or an Intelligence. Because its hump [the mountain] is used to store water [spiritual energy] it takes on some of the symbolism of the Hollow mountain. A twin humped camel simply takes on the symbolism of the Twin peaks. This is the simplest symbolic meaning. It is a sort of god, and to most Arabs, given its usefulness, this symbolism tends to be reinforced.
But we have some added symbolism derived from the fact that a camel can store water. During the initiation of a candidate to the Mysteries, and in those Mystery religions that used sexual stimulation or sexual methods as the means of provoking a spiritual experience [usually a kundalini experience], the candidate was asked to temporarily abstain from all sex in order to ' store energy', build up his or her reserves of energy in order that the process of initiation could begin using a very high level of initial energy.
Within the Chinese system, Japanese system, Hindu system, Egyptian system, Greek system and so on - this reserve was looked on as a sort of sea of energy or a lake of energy held near the base of the spine, which would surge up the spine from around the coccyx. In the Chinese system, for example, it was known as the Lower Dan Tien and the lower Dan Tien could be fed by higher Dan Tiens.
The energy would spout up like a fountain from the base of the spine, pass the twin pillars [in the neck and used in Qigong neck stimulation] and then shoot out like the tassle on a party hat and leave you open permanently to all spiritual input.
The back of the neck, being a narrow gate to the head, was often referred to as the needle, from which we get the quote uttered by Jesus
“Mark 10:25 - It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God”
Or to put it another way reaching your Higher spirit and enlightenment is easier for a camel [a person absolutely full of stored up spiritual energy] than a rich man, one who has amassed material wealth or symbolically, just treasure.
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