Symbols - What does heaven look like
Ancient Egyptian symbolism incorporated the idea of scales used on death to judge a person. The person's heart was 'weighed' and if it was as light or lighter than a feather, the person was free of restrictions and could 'pass on'. This symbolism is derived from both the vibrational frequency of levels signifying lightness or heaviness and the two paths - reincarnation or no reincarnation.
Beyond the Earth level, numerous other vibrational levels exist and increasing rates of vibration are figuratively speaking 'up'. Thus lightness is equivalent to increasing vibrational frequency, if one is 'heavy' with demons weighing you down, then the path in most belief systems is towards reincarnation. If you are not weighed down by demons - which have a very low vibrational frequency - then one is figuratively speaking 'light' and able to rise up the levels and layers and not be reincarnated.
Thus the symbolism is principally connected with the spiritual path.
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- Ancient Egyptian - The Creation Myth of Heliopolis
- Ancient Egyptian - The symbolism of weighing
- Chemical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz - The First Day
- Chemical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz - The Second Day
- Chemical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz - The Third Day
- Codex Azcatitlan - Aztecs and Mexica - Trance states and weighing
- David-Neel, Alexandra - Karma and reincarnation - from Immortality and Reincarnation
- Hypnerotomachia Poliphili - Scales
- Maeterlinck, Maurice - The Treasure of the Humble - Silence
- Michaux, Henri - In the Land of Magic - They judge the value of a man
- Mircea Eliade - Shamanic bridges
- Naglowska, Maria de - The Light of Sex - On Justice and Contrast
- Sacred geography - Ancient Egyptian - Abu Simbel
- Schuré - The Great Initiates – Isis and Osiris
- The Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead – The guardians of the doors
- Zohar - Bamidbar 121A - Union
- Zosimos of Panopolis - The Mushaf as-suwar - 2nd Book of Names
- Zosimos of Panopolis - The Mushaf as-suwar - 3rd Book of the Weights