Symbols - What does heaven look like
Babies, children and toddlers in certain contexts represent symbolically an idea – a sort of project and the result of the creative urge. Thus a painting for an artist may appear symbolically as his or her ‘child’, an architect may dream of a baby that is a building he is designing. A writer may be working on a book which is his ‘child’.
The symbolism is fairly straight forward in that we conceive of an idea, [which probably gestates in our heads for some time], it is then born and we start to work on it and it grows like a child. We have to feed it and nurture it to get it to grow.
We can then attach all sorts of other symbolism to the child, it is growing too fast, or is out of control! Or it is difficult to handle, or is a problem child, or ungainly or beautiful, or fine featured or a handful!
We use the symbolism in such phrases as ‘let’s get this baby on the road’. Or when someone describes a project as ‘a bit of a problem child’.
If we see a baby in a cradle then the project is part of life’s journey and takes on all the symbolism of the boat, and the cradle.
When one is on the spiritual path, the baby has a very special significance, as this is your project. And the project is to produce a new you. If you see a child at this point it means that all your efforts on the spiritual path are beginning to bear fruit – a new you is emerging.
If you see the baby juxtaposed with an old man, then you are seeing the transition from the old you to the new you, or as Cirlot put it ‘the stage of life when the old man, transformed, acquires a new simplicity….. hence the conception of the child as the mystic centre’.
In fact it means you are quite a way along the path, very close to the so called mystic marriage.
‘One dreams of a child when some great spiritual change is about to take place under favourable circumstances’.[Cirlot]
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