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Pauli, Wolfgang - Dream of 27th November 1954
Type of Spiritual Experience
There is real tragedy in this dream, as Pauli's inability to accomplish his vision of a form of mystical physics and get it accepted in the wider scientific world, cause him to metaphorically [or metaphysically!] descend as opposed to ascend spiritually.
I think the Dark Woman is his feminine side but with a 'dark side' - meaning an intellectual side. It appears to be the balanced him he was always seeking emotions plus intellect in balance. It may even have been his Higher spirit, but from the extracts here it is difficult to tell.
A description of the experience
Dream of 27th November 1954
I am in a room with the ‘dark woman’, and experiments are being carried out in which ‘reflections’ appear. The other people in the room regard the reflections as ‘real objects’, whereas the Dark Woman and I know that they are just ‘mirror images’.
This becomes a sort of secret between us. This secret fills us with apprehension.
Afterwards the Dark Woman and I walk alone down a steep mountainside
In January 1955 I dreamed that the Chinese woman had a child, but the people refused to acknowledge it.
The people represent collective opinion.