Symbols - What does heaven look like
Pine cone
A symbol of the pineal gland.
The pineal gland looks like a pine cone and if we look in all the ancient cultures that use sexual stimulation as the mechanism of inducing spiritual experience, the pine cone figures prominently as a symbolic representation of the Pineal gland and via the gland the means of achieving Enlightenment. It has been called the Third Eye, the "Seat of the Soul," and the “Epicenter of Enlightenment”.
Generally speaking the pine cone is placed on top of a staff or rod representing the spine. Then there may or may not be the use of intertwining snakes representing kundalini energy rising up the spine hitting the pineal gland.
Link to see numerous pictures of the use of the pine cone as a sacred symbol.
Let me take some examples.
Ancient Egypt
The Egyptian Staff of Osiris, dating back to approximately 1224 BC, depicts two intertwining serpents rising up to meet at a pinecone.
Depictions of many Hindu deities show both serpents and pinecones. In some cases, Hindu gods are carved, sculpted or drawn holding a pinecone in outstretched hand.
Japan’s Shinto religion and its Nunjutsu and geisha practises use kundalini energy. The pine tree is sacred to the Shinto religion.
Ancient Assyrian palace carvings, dating back to 713-716 BC depict four-winged God-like figures purposefully holding aloft pinecones, or in some cases, using a pinecone to pollinate their depiction of the ‘Tree of Life’. The Tree of Life in this case is the man.
A statue of the Mexican god “Chicomecoatl” (“Seven Snakes”) again depicts the deity offering forth pinecones in one hand, and an evergreen tree in the other.
The Romans
The Romans built an enormous bronze sculpture, the “Pigna,” in the shape of a huge pinecone three stories tall. According to a popular medieval legend, the sculpture stood on top of the Pantheon, as a lid for the round opening in the center of the building's vault.
The Pigna is confirmed to have served as a large fountain overflowing with water next the Temple of Isis in Ancient Rome, however, the gigantic statue now sits directly in front of the Catholic Vatican in the “Court of the Pinecone.”
Pinecones appear framed in Freemason Octagons on the ceilings of Masonic Lodges. A large Freemason sculpture on the side of the Whitehall Building in the New York Financial District depicts two enormous intertwining snakes spiraling up to a pinecone overlooking Battery Place.
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