Symbols - What does heaven look like
Symbolically equivalent to the final stage on the spiritual path - annihilation.
The Aeon within the Tarot is a major trump card.
For iPad/iPhone users: tap letter twice to get list of items.
- Bailey, Philip James - from Festus I - End of the world
- Cirlot on Pisces
- Crowley - 20 The Aeon
- Evolution and Prototypes by Dr A Thorne
- Gershom Scholem – On the Kabbalah and its symbolism - The Messianic Age
- Haught, John F - The next step - deeper consciousness and deeper freedom, deeper capacity to love and feel
- Henry Corbin - Spiritual Body and Celestial Earth - Zoroastrian cosmology
- Jesus - The Gospel of Judas - Archons
- Jesus - The Gospel of Mary Magdalene - And the aeons
- Jesus - The Sophia of Jesus Christ - Aeons and angels
- Jesus - The Sophia of Jesus Christ - And the aeons
- Michelangelo - 1508 Sistine Chapel - 01 Symbolism
- Michelangelo - 1534 Sistine Chapel - 02 Last Judgement
- Pauli, Wolfgang - The World Clock Vision
- Revelation - The End of the Aeon
- Revelations 07
- Revelations 08
- Rudd, Xavier - Follow the Sun
- Tennyson, Alfred Lord - Locksley Hall
- Tennyson, Alfred Lord - The Making of Man
- W.Y. Evans-Wentz - The Fairy-Faith in Celtic Countries - On gods