Symbols - What does heaven look like
Dance, the
The Dance of life and the Dance of Death are not as they at first appear.
For a spiritually minded person, the spirit world is the Dance of life, it is the 'ring o ring o roses'. And for this same spiritually minded person, happy in the perfect realm of spirit, 'death' is being born. Thus the Dance of Death or the Danse Macabre is life itself, the macabre trip we have to make in the physical world, acting out our role as puppet in the theatre that is life and wearing the mask of our personality to achieve our destiny here.
All forms of circular dance also symbolically represent the Wheel of life. There we are on the rim again in this round of incarnation, round and round in another wearisome revolution [sorry, getting carried away]. There is a connection here with the maypole.
The Dance of Death, also variously called Danse Macabre (French), Danza Macabra (Italian), Dansul Morţii (Romanian), Danza de la Muerte (Spanish), Dansa de la Mort (Catalan), Dança Macabra (Portuguese language), Totentanz (German), Dodendans (Dutch), Surmatants (Estonian), is commonly thought of today as some sort of late-medieval allegory on the universality of death: no matter one's station in life, the Dance of Death unites all. But if you look at the symbolism more closely it is not this at all. The picture often shows living people of all sorts - dancing along to a hole in the ground, typically with a pope, emperor, king, child, and labourer.
The hole in the ground is the tunnel, but it is the tunnel to being born not the tunnel of death itself. The figures show the roles or the destiny each one has been give to fulfill.
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